How to disable touchscreen in Windows 11 – Guide

If your device supports touchscreens but you don’t like how they work, you can disable your device’s touchscreen feature if you are running Windows 11. Disabling this specific hardware component in your computer’s Device Manager is one of the simplest ways to disable the touchscreen. But if that sounds a little confusing and you’re afraid of accidentally disabling the wrong entry, here’s another way to do it: use Registry Editor. In this walkthrough, we’ll show you How to easily disable the touchscreen function on your laptop running the Windows 11 operating system by setting a key using Registry Editor.

How to disable the touchscreen in Windows 11

Step 1: Open the Registry Editor tool on your Windows 11 computer. To do this, open the Start Menu and search for “regedit.exe” and select Registry Editor from the results. Step 2: Clicking Registry Editor on the Start Menu to open it may show a User Account Control box. In that case, click “Yes” button Continue. Step 3: In Registry Editor, go to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWispTouch Step 4: Right-click on the right pane and select New > DWORD Value (32-bit). Step 5: Name the newly created entry “TouchGate”. Double click on it and make sure its value is set to 0. That’s it. You can now close Registry Editor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Once the system has restarted, you will notice that the touchscreen is no longer working. If you want to re-enable the touchscreen on your computer, follow the same process mentioned above, but in step 5, change the value to 1. That’s it.

Final note

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