How to disable unwanted apps on Android – Guide

Bloatware doesn’t look nice, but it’s a pretty harmless evil: it’s the apps pre-installed on your smartphone that you definitely didn’t ask for and probably don’t want. They are often used by manufacturers to offer their own apps and services in addition to (or instead of) what the smartphone offers by default. Originally, the term referred to Windows computers, which, depending on the manufacturer, included a long list of third-party utilities and software packages in addition to Windows itself. The situation has improved in recent years, but even today you can open a new Windows laptop and find trial versions of half a dozen different apps, utilities, antivirus and office tools. The vast majority of bloatware does no harm, but these unwanted apps do up memory and system resources that can be used by apps you really want to use. They can also be confusing and cause you to have multiple apps on your phone that everyone performs the same task. For security and privacy reasons, it is advisable to remove bloatware applications that you do not need. How you go about doing this depends on your phone. Bloatware is a much more common problem on Android phones since there are many manufacturers releasing Android devices. In some cases, you may have a dozen or more apps that you don’t really need (even though the manufacturers themselves are very interested in trying them out). To get rid of any app from your Android phonebloatware or not, just follow the steps below.

How to disable unwanted apps on your android device

Final note

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