How to Download and Install Custom Fonts on Kindle – Guide

If you don’t like the fonts that come pre-installed on your Kindle reader, custom fonts can be a great option. The following steps will show you how to change the fonts on your Kindle.

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Update Your Kindle Reader Firmware

To check the Kindle firmware, press the menu button (3 points) and select Settings. Then press the menu button again. If Update your Kindle is not grayed out, tap it. Your Kindle will update, reboot, and then run the latest firmware version.

Install Custom Fonts on Kindle Reader

After verifying that the firmware has been updated, it’s time to install custom fonts on your Kindle. First, please note that the device only supports OpenType (OTF) or TrueType (TTF) fonts. Second, you will need to find some of the fonts you want to install on your reading machine. You can choose a font from the Fonts folder on your computer or download it from a third-party website. There are several places where you can download free fonts online. Here is a list of some sites you can check out: Save the desired font file on your computer. Then connect your Kindle to your computer using a USB cable. You will then be able to browse your Kindle’s memory like any connected external hard drive. Find the Fonts folder, copy and paste the font file you downloaded there. Then disconnect your Kindle from your computer.

Check out new fonts on Kindle

Now it’s time to see if the chosen font fits the Kindle. Open a book and press Page View > Font and Page Settings. New fonts will be available next to the Customize tab. Also, note that in this section, you can change your font and adjust other font settings such as size and thickness.

Final note

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