How to Download Google Maps Data – Guide

Google Maps is a great web-based geographic app. This program is widely used all over the world, but few people know that you can export past data for future reference. The best part is that the data is never erased from Google servers but can be accessed by the user as and when needed and used in other application programs as well. Updating your Google Maps or using a new Google Maps app is no longer complicated, you can download your Google Maps history to use it later. This post will guide you through how to download your data from Google Maps. Earlier versions of Google Maps were known to save useful locations that could be navigated later. The new inclusion provided an improved offline capability. Browsing history can be saved and used even without internet. Routine browsing data usage can be reduced once the data is downloaded.

Download your Google Maps data at Mobile

You can download your Google Maps data onto a computer and mobile, and the steps are somewhat similar to each other. However in this 5 step guide, I will show you How to download your Google Maps data in mobile:

Create an Export in Google Maps

Select the data to be included

Choose destination, frequency and file type

For this tutorialwe will receive our file by email.

View your export confirmation

Download your data from Google Maps

Final note

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