How To Download Videos From Facebook – Guide

Facebook is booming with videos: instructional videos that teach you how to garden or code, those useless addictive 5 minute craft videos, the visibly fake videos of people catching their partners cheating on them, aliens caught on film. If there is a desire for content, chances are that content will be found in video form on Facebook. If you want to share this video, you can copy the link and send it to a friend or DM through the app. You can save the video, but the video is not actually saved to your phone’s or computer hard drive – instead, the video is added to your saved video favorites for easy finding and later viewing on Facebook. However, sometimes a video is too brilliant or useful not to save it to your phone. You may want to show or access a parent when you are offline. Popular video sites often make content difficult to download, often for copyright and revenue reasons. Instead, they’d rather you share a direct link or post it to your feed, where it continues to collect the money from the preceding ad. But if you want to secure a permanent copy of a clip you saw on Facebook, you probably have your reasons. And as we trust you, we are here to tell you how to download.

How to download videos from facebook

How to download videos from facebook on desktop

How to download videos from facebook at mobile

Downloading videos from Facebook at mobile is an entirely different kettle of fish, and while there are apps that claim to do it, a much simpler way is to use the website. This works on Android and iOS, but you will need to download the Firefox browser on an iPhone or iPad as the website does not load properly in Safari. Keep in mind that this method only works on videos shared publicly on Facebook.

Final note

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