Guide: How to Edit, Add or Delete a Windows 10 Registry File

The Registry Editor is a somewhat overlooked Windows tool. It allows you to edit the registry to customize Windows in many ways. These Compsmag guide told you how to add new software and website shortcuts to the Windows 10 desktop context menu using the Registry Editor. The Registry Editor is not packed with options, but you can add some alternative third-party registry editors to Windows 10.

The Registrar Registry Manager Editor

First, you could add Registrar Registry Manager to Windows 10. This is a registry editor with freeware Home Edition and a pro version. Open this Softpedia page and click Download to save the installation wizard. Add the software to Windows 10 with the installation wizard and open the window as below.

The Registrar Registry Manager window contains not one, but two toolbars. This means it has quite a bit more options than what you’ll find in the Windows 10 Registry Editor. You can browse the registry in the same way as in the standard Registry Editor by opening the root keys in the left pane and then editing them by right-clicking the corresponding registry entries on the right. However, the Registrar Registry Manager also includes an address bar at the top. This means you can jump directly to a registry key by entering it in the address bar. For example, try entering ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows’ in the address bar and press Return. That will then open the Windows subkey in the editor window. Tabs are another thing that Registrar Registry Manager includes that you won’t find in the Registry Editor. As such, you can open registry keys in multiple tabs. Right-click on a registry key and then select Open in New Window to open a separate tab, as shown in the screenshot directly below. So you can effectively open multiple registry keys in the same window with those tabs. Right-click on a tab and select Close Tab to close it.

In addition, Registrar Registry Manager also includes bookmark options, which can be useful. So you can save registry keys in the Bookmark Editor for faster access. To bookmark a registry key, select it and tap the bookmark button on the toolbar below the address bars. That will open the window below from which you can enter the bookmark information of the registry key. Press Apply and OK to save the bookmark and close the window.

Then press the bookmarks button on the top toolbar. That will open a Bookmarks tab that contains all of your saved registry keys. Click on a key there to open it in the editor window. Those are just some of the useful options in the Registrar Registry Manager. It also has useful tools for advanced comparison, file reference, defragmentation and registry backupup and recovery on the toolbar and the Tools menu.

Aezay Registry Commander

Aezay Registry Commander is another good alternative to the Registry Editor. This makes the registry keys appear as folders in the same window. As such, it doesn’t include a left pane to scroll through the keys. You can add it to Windows 10 from the Softpedia page in much the same way as the Registrar Registry Manager Editor.

When you’ve opened the Aezay Registry Commander window above, you can browse the registry by clicking on the folders. You can jump back by clicking it up arrow at the top of the folders. The missing left pane doesn’t greatly improve navigation, but the Jump to key option is useful. Suppose you are going to restore the former clock in Windows 10 as described in this post. For that, you can press the Ctrl + G hotkey to open the window below. Then enter ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionImmersiveShell’ into that text box and hit OK. That will open the UseActionCenterExperience key that you need to edit.

Visually, this registry editor is slightly different from the Windows 10 editor and includes plenty of customization options. You can click Options> Configuration to open the window below. Then click the Visual tab to further customize the background color and fonts in the window. If you select Change Font, you can choose a variety of alternative fonts and text formatting options for the Aezay Registry Commander window. Click Apply and OK to save the selected settings.

In addition, you can store registry key bookmarks in Aezay Registry Commander. Right-click on a registry folder and select Bookmark from the context menu to save the registry key in User Bookmarks. Then press F9 to open the user bookmarks at the bottom of the window as below.

The RegmagiK editor

RegmagiK is another registry editor that is compatible with Windows 10. The user interface is much closer to the Registry Editor in Windows 10 than the Aezay Registry Commander window. However, it still contains a lot of improvements; and you can save the zip from this Softpedia page in Windows 10. As it is a portable application, you can open the window below from the compressed Zip.

RegimagiK’s address bar improves the editor’s navigation. There you can type the paths of the registry key to find them faster. You can also select Go> To Key to open a Go To text box that works the same as the address bar. You can also jump back and forth through the register with Back and Forward buttons on the toolbar. RegimagiK also includes the invaluable bookmark option to save registry keys for faster access. Select a key in the window and press New Bookmarks button on the toolbar. That will open a window where you can enter a title for the bookmark and save it. Then click Bookmarks in the menu bar and select the bookmarked registry key from the menu.

This software also allows you to add registry key shortcuts to the desktop. To do this, left click on a registry key in the window and drag it to the desktop. Then open the registry key in RegimagiK by clicking on the shortcut. Note that you will need to extract and select the software’s Zip file to open the shortcut with RegimagiK. These are just three of the more notable Registry Editor alternatives you can add to Windows 10. They all have more extensive options and settings than the default editor. So if you are going to edit the registry to tweak Windows 10, you should check them out.

How to Edit, Add or Delete a Windows 10 Registry File: benefits


Final note

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