Guide: How to Edit Col­or of PNG Text and Image in GIMP

Often times we have a single color image, such as an icon or a logo that needs to be changed in color. You could be concerned that they would need a professional or premium tool for such a job. But that is not the case. Free tools such as GIMP make it easy to change the color of your images and text in PNG format. Let’s see how to recolor images using GIMP in this post. If you are not familiar with Photoshop, GIMP is an excellent alternative. You can use GIMP to change the color of logos, icons, etc. Whether your transparent image is black or any other color, GIMP will help you recolor it easily. There are three methods to recolor PNG images in GIMP. The first two methods will replace the entire image with a single color, and the last method will help you add different colors. Let’s start.

Method 1: change color with colorize in GIMP

In this method we will enlist the help of the Colorize feature in GIMP to change the color of a transparent image or text. Let’s take a look at the steps: Step 1: Launch GIMP and open your PNG image, preferably with a transparent background with File> Open. If your image has a background, then know how to change the background color to transparent in GIMP. Then go on.

Step 2: Click on the color option in the top bar. Choose Colorize from the menu.

Step 3: The Colorize window opens. Click the color to display the list of available colors.

Then choose the color and click Ok to add the color to your image.

Step 4: Click File> Export As to save your image. The Export window appears. Make sure to save the image in PNG format by adding the extension .png to the image name, otherwise you will lose the transparency of your image. Click Export to save it.

Method 2: change color with the fill tool

With the help of the fill tool, we change the color of an icon or text in GIMP. Here are the steps: Step 1: Open your transparent image in GIMP with File> Open. Step 2: Right-click on your image layer in the Layers dock and choose Alpha for selection. Know more about how to use layers in GIMP.

This selects the visible part of your image.

Step 3: In the color selection box, choose the foreground color to replace the original color of the image.

Step 4: Go to Edit in the top toolbar and select Fill with FG Color. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl +, (Windows) and Command +, (macOS) to fill the selected area of ​​your image with the foreground color.

Here’s what your image will look like:

Step 5: It’s time to save the picture. To do this, go to File> Export As. As mentioned in the method above, save the image with a .png extension to keep transparency intact.

Method 3: replace color with multiple colors using the bucket fill tool

In the above methods, the entire image or text has been replaced with a single color. What if you want to add different colors to different parts of your photo? This method will help you with that. Let’s take a look at the steps: Step 1: In GIMP, open your image whose color needs to be changed. Step 2: To select the visible part of your image, right-click on the image layer in the Layers dock. Select Alpha to select.

Step 3: Choose your preferred color as the foreground color in the Color Selection box.

Step 4: Click the Fill Bucket tool to activate it. Then click on the part of the image that you want to add the color to.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other parts of your image, choosing a different foreground color each time.

Here’s what the image used in method 2 looks like when you use this method:

Step 5: Finally, save the image via File> Export As. Don’t forget to save the image with the extension .png.

Tips to replace color in GIMP

Here are two of them tips for better results when changing color in GIMP.

Use selection tools

Rather than selecting the entire image as shown in the above methods, you can select part of your image using various selection tools such as the Fuzzy Select tool and Select by color. The first selects an infectious area by color and all areas of a similar color are selected by the Select Color tool. Once the desired part is selected, change the color using one of the methods mentioned above.

Fill with cartridge

Methods 2 and 3 allow you to fill your image with a pattern instead of a solid color. To do this, select Fill with pattern. Then choose a pattern and fill it in the selected part of the image by clicking on it.

Tip The pattern used in the screenshot was created in GIMP. Find out how to tile an image and use it as a pattern in GIMP.

Discover GIMP

The possibilities with GIMP are endless. You can use it to change the background image of an image, create awesome YouTube banners, crop images into shapes such as a circle, create transparent text and a lot more. What are your favorite things to do in GIMP? Share them with us in the comments below. The next up: Adding a shadow to text creates a captivating effect. Find out how to add shadow to text in GIMP from the following link.

How to Edit Col­or of PNG Text and Image in GIMP: benefits


Final note

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