How to Edit Images Using Paint 3D – Guide

Yes, you can magically remove people and objects from photos using Adobe’s expensive Photoshop application. But did you know that a simple version of the same tool is hidden in Windows 10 for free? Let’s introduce you to Paint 3D’s Magic Select tool and show you how to use the. I’m a fan of simple, free tools that don’t require installation or configuration, and Magic Select is one of my favorites. You’d think Magic Select would be found using Windows 10’s Photos app or even Paint, but no – Microsoft hoped that one day we’d be editing all 3D objects, not 2D photos, and reserved Magic Select for the 3D Paint app in Windows 10 Fortunately, it’s just as easy to edit a 2D photo in Paint 3D as it is in Paint, although you’ll have to bypass most of the UI to do this.

Steps for using Paint 3D to edit images are listed below:

The first step to start the photo editing process is to open the image you need to edit in Paint 3D. You select the menu item in the left corner. Select Open (Open) > Select Browse Files (Browse Files).

  • Add image on top of existing photos. To add a new image to an existing one, you need to use the Insert tool in the Menu menu. You click Menu > Select Add (Insert).

Final note

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