How to Edit Sent Messages in Telegram for Android Device – Guide

Most people think about privacy and security when switching from WhatsApp to Telegram. However, they often forget that Telegram offers some super useful features. features. One of them is the ability to edit messages sent on Telegram. Using this message edit feature at the right time can save you from embarrassment and trouble. Of course, the person will know that you edited the message, but they won’t be able to see the original text either. It seems quite convenient. The procedure for editing sent messages on the Telegram desktop app is also not that different. Click on the conversation in the left pane; In the right pane, right-click the message you want to edit and choose Edit. If you send someone the wrong message or if the message you sent contains a typo, you can edit it right away. In this guide we will show you how to edit messages sent on Telegram on your Android, desktop and iOS devices. Just make sure you have the latest version of Telegram installed on your device.

Edit sent messages in Telegram on Android device

You can follow the simple steps as shown below:

Edit sent messages in Telegram on desktop

Follow these steps if using the Telegram desktop app:

Final note

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