How to Enable and use Commander in Chrome Browser – Guide

Chrome Commander feature allows you to quickly open a special command window that lists your recently visited pages (browsing history), bookmark entries and built-in options. The key point here is a search box that lets you type in a search term and quickly access a specific option, bookmark, or website. You can use the search interface to search for a specific Chrome features. According to Google, Commander acts as a “text interface to common Chromium functions”. The new feature is now being tested on the latest Canary version of Google Chrome. Chrome’s Next Commander feature provides a search interface to get the most out of Chrome prompts, similar to how Chrome actions work. This can also be seen as the same general survey available in work programs. That said, here are the steps needed to enable the feature on your computer with Chrome Canary 90 and later.

Activate Chrome Commander

Using Chrome Commander

Final note

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