How to Enable and Use MS Edge Workspaces Feature – Guide

If you’re not familiar with Workspaces, it’s a new edge browser productivity. With Workspaces you separate your tabs related to work, browsing social networks and games, etc. The idea behind it feature it’s not new. The same can be achieved with individual browsing profiles, virtual desktops on Windows and Linux. Workspaces just make it more convenient. Today, many users open multiple tabs during the day while browsing and end up getting lost between work-related and side-project-related ones, like shopping, homework, or which movie to watch. The new workspaces feature is a useful solution in this case. Accessible from the toolbar or sidebar when using vertical tabs, it lets you easily create separate spaces to host your tabs, organized around specific concepts or ideas in a group called a workspace. In addition, you can also create tab groups in workspaces, and when you reopen those workspaces, the groups will still be there. In Edge, Workspace lets you rename and color windows, similar to tab panels. The new workspaces feature in Edge offers bespoke tab management with the option to group multiple related tabs into a dedicated window and save them for later. While the browser already allows users to track their ideas with Collections, Workspaces feature allows users to organize their browsing activities by saving their workflow.

How to enable edge workspaces

How to create and use workspaces in Microsoft Edge

After successfully enabling the workspace feature, you can continue to create and customize your own workspaces depending on your work requirements. The first step is to make sure there is a ‘T’ icon in the top left corner of your browser window. It is possible that the icon will not appear after following the above process, but it is not something to be concerned about. Try repeating the process mentioned above or redownload Edge after a few days as it is possible that your PC did not support it at that time.

Final note

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