How to Enable and Use Read Later Feature in Chrome on Android – Guide

Google Chrome offers one of the best desktop browsing experiences and mobile devices. A big reason for this is that Google is constantly adding new features. Some of them come in the form of experimental hidden flags, but luckily you don’t have to be super tech-savvy to try them out for yourself. For example, did you know that you can enable a “Read later” list in your browser, which you can access on all your devices? In this article, we will explain How to create your own reading list in Chrome. Chrome’s Read Later list allows users to temporarily save pages they want to read later. But don’t we have bookmarks anymore? Indeed we do, but Read Later offers a handy separate area where you can store all your reading material without mixing it up. up with your other favorites. Especially if you’re the proud owner of a huge list of favorites, Read Later saves you from having to dig that bottomless pit every time you want to return to an article.

How to activate and use read later feature in Chrome on Android

How to enable the Read List flag

How to add web pages to Read later list in Google Chrome

How to access your Google Chrome Reading List Read Later on Android

Final note

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