How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Chrome for Desktop/Mobile – Guide

While running the Chrome browser works fine in the default light mode, it can sometimes cause eyestrain, especially when working later at night with poor ambient lighting. Chrome dark mode feature allows the current tabs you are working on to be lit, while the background, home the screen and toolbar are grayed out, making navigation more relaxed. You can use Chrome’s dark mode feature on a computer or mobile app for mobile devices. You can also turn it off during the day or whenever you prefer to go back to the original, brighter mode. While a dark mode for websites was added to Chrome in 2019, it remains hidden in version 78 of the browser, which means you can’t turn it on unless you know exactly where to look. It’s a shame because dark mode is a very useful browser feature. By eliminating glare, it helps reduce eye strain when browsing the web, especially on websites with a white background, including many Google-owned services. Dark mode also helps to extend battery life when using your laptop or mobile device as dark websites require less power to display. Dark mode is the most desired UI feature in applications and software. It not only saves battery on OLED and AMOLED devices, but also protects users from the blue light emitted by laptop/smartphone screens. Furthermore, the dark theme also looks good from an aesthetic point of view.

How to Enable Dark Mode in Google Chrome for Desktop

How to Enable dark mode in Google Chrome to Mobile Device

Final note

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