How to Enable Dark Mode On Facebook – Guide

Regardless of compatibility, each app or device has a different process for setting up dark mode on Facebook and Messenger. This article will guide you through the different methods based on the application and operating system used, for example, B. Windows 10, macOS Catalina, Android 10+ and iOS 13+. As mentioned earlier, Messenger apps on iOS and Android include Dark Mode feature and they’ve been around for some time. Not too long ago, it wasn’t common to have a dark mode in apps or websites. Many of them featured a bright white background and there was no way to change it – and it was that way for a long time. Fortunately that’s all in the past! Almost every major app today has a dark mode, including YouTube, Google Maps, Twitter, Instagram, and more. Facebook has now released the Dark Mode setting for iOS and Android devices. As mentioned, the global dark mode setting on Android 10+ (or iOS 13+) doesn’t change Facebook, at least not right now. Users have been asking for a Facebook dark mode option for years. Facebook’s Dark Mode replaces the glossy white surface of the mobile app and website with black background. Some people find it easier to read and believe that it puts less strain on the eyes. Dark mode also consumes less battery.

How to use facebook dark mode on android

How to use Facebook Dark Mode on iPhone

How to use facebook dark mode on desktop

Final note

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