How to Enable Dark Mode On Samsung Devices – Guide

In addition to improving readability, dark mode has some other benefits, such as: B. eye protection. It also helps improve your smartphone’s battery life. With the Android 10 operating system, Google has introduced a system-wide dark mode. Prior to Android 10, Samsung introduced a system-level night mode in Android 9 Pie with the first release of One UI. Samsung’s One UI 2.0 offers a system-wide dark mode that’s easy to configure up on your Galaxy S20. Dark mode changes the appearance of the system interface and Samsung’s own apps, as well as third-party programs like Chrome, Google Drive, and Instagram. The best part is that everything happens automatically when you change your phone settings for dark mode. Dark mode is a popular technique for reducing eye strain, saving battery life, and let’s face it, it looks amazing. If you have a Galaxy S20, you can use a system-wide dark mode. this is how it is activated.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Samsung Devices

The option to enable dark mode on Samsung devices is hidden, but it can be activated with just a few taps. Therefore, in this article, we are going to share a step by step guide in how to enable dark mode on Samsung Galaxy devices running in UI. Let’s take a look.

Final note

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