How to Enable Dark Mode on Spark For Android – Guide

While we said goodbye to Inbox earlier this year, we have a spiritual successor in the form of Spark. The email client is not a complete replacement, but the good news is that, unlike Inbox, there is now a dedicated dark mode for Spark on Android and iOS. When the inbox got belly up earlier this year, we tried out Spark ourselves to introduce followers to an alternative service, which is pretty good, by the way. Diehard Inbox fans will likely still be frustrated, as nothing “feels” like the automated email client, and likely never will be. However, Spark is something of a mid-range solution that retains some inboxes. features and gives you an option while there are few. Of course, Spark didn’t officially launch with a dark mode. However, starting today, you can dip your screen into a darker tone, and Spark will follow suit after being officially announced by developer Readdle. The mode can be turned on manually, but it also respects the system-wide dark mode settings on Android 10 and iOS 13, which means that even if you’re waiting for the Android 10 update, you’ll enjoy less glaring menus and more. emails, and have a more pleasant experience overall. If you haven’t tried the email client yet, you’ll notice when you launch Spark that the interface is not the same as other email clients, but Inbox users will find it strangely familiar. Your notifications are grouped just like in Inbox. Everything seems very organized and well thought out.

How to enable dark mode in Spark for Android

Final note

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