How to enable/disable comments on Instagram – Guide

Spam and trolls work very quickly to destroy your online reputation because they have no idea what they are posting in the comments. And as a brand, if you don’t immediately control these pointless chatter and spam comments on your Instagram posts, it could scare off your potential customers. The higher the number of followers on social media, the proportionally more chances of spam, trolls and bot comments, and the harder it becomes for you to keep up with every post. If you don’t want any hateful comments to be lost while managing them, the best option is to disable comments on Instagram. Comments are the best thing about Instagram because they help you to engage with your audience, but they become the most annoying aspect when you get a lot of spam. Fortunately, Instagram has released a series of features that allow you to handle this type of comment in the nicest way possible. This one guide explores some of the most attractive Instagram features this will make your comments section a more welcoming place for your real audience.

How to disable Instagram comments for a post you’ve already shared

How to disable Instagram comments for a post you are about to share

Final note

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