How To Enable/Disable WhatsApp Dark Mode On Android and iOS – Guide

Using WhatsApp in dark mode changes the messaging app’s colors from white and green to more subtle blacks and grays. This creates less glare at night and makes using WhatsApp more comfortable in low light conditions. with next phones like the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, and the alleged soon-to-be-released iPhone 13, you want to make sure WhatsApp looks its best in its new update. Darker screens also consume less power (especially if your device has an AMOLED screen, as explained in the video below). After all, it looks cool and is a refreshing change from the all-white finishes. WhatsApp has been busy releasing features its users have long requested such as expired media, archived chats, and multi-device support coming soon. Update Messenger from Google Play Store and Apple App Store to get the new one feature. WhatsApp dark mode has a dark gray tone instead of a black background. Android users running Android 10 and iPhone users running iOS 13 can get WhatsApp Dark Mode by enabling Dark Mode in system settings. Dark mode gives users the ability to change the app’s theme to something that minimizes eye strain, as opposed to a lighter background. Not to mention the fact that if you’re a serial texter, switching the app to dark mode can save your device’s battery life.

How to use WhatsApp dark mode on Android

How to use WhatsApp dark mode on iOS

Unfortunately, on iOS devices it is not possible to simply enable dark mode for WhatsApp exclusively. However, there is a simple solution where if you change your iPhone’s default settings to dark mode, WhatsApp will follow suit.

Final note

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