How to Enable or Disable Dark Mode in Google Search – Guide

Our eyes thank you for using this feature when you google something. Your eye doctor may not. Just kidding, more or less. Dark mode is all the rage in the tech community right now. Almost all apps and operating systems have this. And it’s no surprise that this feature is gaining so much popularity. Not only is it gentle on the eyes during the night hours, but it also has serious beauty properties. In fact, many people like to use dark mode exclusively, in and out of the day. Google has now pushed Google Search on this bandwagon as well. Testing of dark mode on the popular search engine has been underway for several months now. And it looks like it’s getting to the release phase, albeit with a slow release.

Go to the Google homepage

If your browser’s search engine is Google, enter a search term and click your logo. Otherwise, go to or another domain if you are in another country.

Select search settings

In the lower right corner of the Google homepage, click Settings > Search Settings.

select appearance

You will be taken to a section where you can access Appearance in Settings.

Search by dark theme

Select the dark theme and press Save. This will activate it, and if your PC or Mac is in light mode, Google will still show up in dark mode regardless.

Switch to Auto to match your device

However, if you want the Google Theme to suit your PC and Mac, you can also select ‘System Default’

Final note

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