How to Enable or Disable Efficiency Mode in Microsoft Edge – Guide

Efficiency mode, as the name suggests, aims to improve the browser’s memory management to extend battery life without sacrificing too much performance – and also to help reallocate CPU/RAM resources. However, there may be some loss of browsing speed as it tries to get more out of the existing battery. You may see dropped frames or choppy video playback, delayed animations, etc. However, this will only last for a minute, and if you have a decent CPU, you won’t even notice the change. we will show you how to enable hidden performance or efficiency mode in Edge. One of the main reasons many users decided to switch from Chrome to Microsoft’s offering was the fact that the latter doesn’t consume as many resources as the former. As a result, Edge can be expected to perform much better as it generally does not consume a lot of system resources. To further support this idea, Microsoft secretly added another feature. When this mode is enabled, Edge ensures that system resources are used as little as possible, minimizing CPU and RAM resource usage. It also hibernates any background tabs you haven’t interacted with in the last 5 minutes.

Enable or Disable Efficiency Mode in Microsoft Edge

Add performance option to toolbar

Final note

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