The isolated environment of your installed Windows is known as Windows Sandbox. It is a brand-new version with all the parameters left in their default positions. Making changes or adjustments inside the Sandbox has no effect on the host OS (Windows 10 or Windows 11). Any programme, including malicious software, unverified software, batch files, scripts, deleting system files, and other things, can be run from this page. All of the modifications will be undone once the Sandbox restarts. In essence, a virtual system called a “Windows Sandbox” doesn’t save or store anything. The prior session changes are destroyed each time you launch the Sandbox, which then begins over from scratch.

Steps to Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows 11

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows 11. A portable desktop environment called Windows Sandbox makes it possible to isolate apps safely. Installed software in the Windows Sandbox environment remains “sandboxed” and operates independently of the host computer.

How to Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows 11 - 69How to Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows 11 - 2How to Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows 11 - 35How to Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows 11 - 9