Guide: How to Explore Open Source Laravel Projects using Open Laravel

Web developers love frameworks because they save time and improve code quality. There are many PHP frameworks but beyond Laravel is by far the best. If you are just starting Laravel, you can learn a lot from it studying the code of othersThat is true Open Laravel is useful. The site works like a decentralized repository compiling the best open source Laravel projects from around the world. All these projects are completely free to study and ideal for anyone building a production-ready site. At the time of writing, Open Laravel has 75 projects in total with plenty of room for more. If you have a suggestion for a new repo, you can submit it on the site. However, it must be so hosted on GitHub for easy access. One thing I don’t like about this site is the lack of searching or filteringYou have to manually scroll through each page, going back chronologically through the submissions. This may be the least efficient way to browse, but Open Laravel is also the best resource you can find for Laravel repositories. Clicking on a project will give you a lot of great information:

link to the project homepage link to the GitHub repository total number of stars / forks date the project was added

Note that most of the projects on this site are real websites driving on Laravel. These repositories aren’t just plugins, or blank themes, or templates that you can copy / paste and run. ReadMarvel is an excellent example with its own hosted repository on the site. It’s a beautiful website and the source code is 100% free on GitHub for anyone who wants to tinker with it.

ReadMarvel is one of the more detailed repos with listed all its requirements, from server specifications to software for mail & ReCAPTCHA. It is a good example of the quality standards for Open Laravel submissions. Any PHP developer should be delighted with the quality of this site. It’s an excellent resource for bookmarking and one of the best for studying if you’re just diving into Laravel. And if you have any questions or want to make a suggestion features you can tweet the team on their official Twitter account @openlaravel.

How to Explore Open Source Laravel Projects using Open Laravel: benefits


Final note

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