How to Export Data from Google Allo – Guide

Google recently announced that its short-lived chat app, Google Allo, will cease to exist as of March 2019. If you use Allo, you must export Google chat histories and media files Allo before, otherwise you will lose them forever! Google recently announced that its short-lived chat app, Google Allo, will cease to exist as of March 2019. If you use Allo, you must export Google chat histories and media files Allo before, otherwise you will lose them forever! THE guide below will show you how to save all your Allo data before shutdown starts. Once you’ve done that, you’ll also want to find a new chat app to use instead of Allo. You can try WhatsApp, Google Hangouts or Facebook Messenger. Follow us to learn how to export chat files and media from Google Allo! You will need your Android device for this process. Although Google Allo has a web interface, you cannot export Google Allo data from a PC, laptop, tablet, etc. You must use your Android smartphone. Also note that you need to go back up your chats and media separately; There is no way to backup both at the same time.

Exporting Google Allo Data on iPhone

It is very easy to export Google Allo Data to export your user data. Follow the steps below and you will be able to export messages and media from your chats.

Exporting Google Allo Data on Android

Final note

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