How To Export Your WhatsApp Chat in PDF format – Guide

WhatsApp is without a doubt the best messaging platform with millions of users all over the world. Offers instant messaging and calling features to communicate with friends and family. You can easily send messages, audio recordings, videos and even make WhatsApp voice or video calls for free. Furthermore, WhatsApp allows its users to create chat backups so that they can record important conversations. However, some people want to create and save entire conversations as PDF files. A printable PDF version of the chats can be very helpful. You may also have some WhatsApp chats that contain business information, including customer conversations that it provides. In that case, a printable version of the chats can help you keep track of business transactions. Exporting your WhatsApp conversations to PDF can also be useful if you are using WhatsApp for research and want a hard copy of the responses. More than 1.6 billion people use WhatsApp for different purposes. While some use the platform to stay in touch with their friends, colleagues and family, others use WhatsApp for Business to interact with customers and clients across borders. Sometimes it is necessary to save WhatsApp chat or conversation in PDF format for an official record.

How to Export WhatsApp Chat as PDF

Here it is how to export your chat with people on WhatsApp as a PDF file.

Final note

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