How To Extract And Copy Text From an Image On Android Device – Guide

Often, you may need to copy text from images, whether it’s a screenshot or an image you captured on your phone. You may need to extract and edit text from books, receipts, invoices, etc. This text scanning technique is also known as optical character recognition (OCR). All kinds of apps that scan and extract text from image, these apps are known as OCR apps. There are several OCR text scanning apps (Text Scanner, Google Keep, Office Lens, TurboScan, Docufy Scanner, etc.) on Google PlayStore that can help you extract text from images on your Android smartphone. android phones has a sausage feature which allows you to copy text from an image. This one feature is available on both Camera app and the Gallery app. Manually copying text from an image on your Android phone it’s quite uncomfortable. It uses OCR technology to recognize text in images and copy it to the clipboard. This tool is only available on Android phones running Android 4.1 or later versions of the software. There are many Android apps available now on the Play Store that can help you extract text from any image. These apps can extract not only images but also texts from textbooks, newspapers, magazines, products, etc.

How to extract and copy text from an image on android device

Using Text Fairy:

Well, Text Fairy is one of the best OCR scanner apps available on the Play Store. The application can be used to extract and copy text from an image. Here it is how to use the.

Final note

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