Guide: How to Find a Particular Chrome Tab from Tab Clutter

How many open tabs do you typically work with in Chrome? My figure usually fluctuates around ten. If you research a little more deeply, yours can also be around or above a double digit number. Since tabbed browsing has appeared in the browser world, tab management has become a necessity. When it comes to Chrome and multiple open tabs, you can try it out PowerSwitch to better manage your tabs and bump up your productivity. Multiple tabs add to the clutter, and constantly switching back and forth between tabs as you search for them is a hassle. PowerSwitch is a handy Chrome extension that offers you a one-click solution. Here are the ways you can make it work:

  1. PowerSwitch provides you with a keyboard shortcut to switch between multiple open tabs. You can click CTRL + K (COMMAND + K for Mac) to enter up a list of open tabs. Select one and jump to it by pressing Enter. You can also click on the extension’s icon to transfer up the list of open tabs.
  2. PowerSwitch also has a search box that you can use to type in the name of the website that is open in one of the tabs. PowerSwitch filters it for you and you can jump straight to it.
  3. PowerSwitch even works with multiple open windows from the same browsing session. All open tabs are listed together and displayed as such. So you can even switch easily between multiple window instances. Note: After installing the extension, refresh the open tabs once to use the feature. As the extension page says, the keyboard shortcut only works if the focus is on the content area of ​​a regular web page. If the focus is in the URL bar or the active tab is for a local file or a standard Chrome page, the shortcut will not work. PowerSwitch is a very simple tab management solution in Chrome. It offers the same simplicity of experience as we get when using ALT + TAB when switching between open applications in Windows. Try PowerSwitch. Let us know if you have a better solution to deal with multiple open tabs and get the one lost in the clutter.

How to Find a Particular Chrome Tab from Tab Clutter: benefits


Final note

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