How to Find if your Hard Drive is HDD or SSD on Windows 10 – Guide

Before we start, let’s look at the differences between the two units. HDD is the abbreviation for Hard Disk Drive. You could almost call them old-fashioned these days. They contain cymbals and a movable drive arm to read and write data to the cymbal surface. Because of this, you can hear the sound of a hard disk drive. They are usually slow and need to be defragmented regularly to optimize data storage space. All hard drives fail sooner or later because they have moving parts. SSD is the abbreviation for solid state drive. They use integrated circuits to permanently store data and are much faster than traditional hard drives. Computer boot times of 10 seconds or less are not uncommon. When SanDisk launched its 20MB SSD drive in 1991, it cost $1,000. At the time, SSD drives were so expensive that many people would buy a smaller SSD drive (e.g. 128MB) just to run their favorite operating system and programs. In 2018, SSD drives got bigger and more affordable, with 1TB drives costing as little as $100. By 2022, SSD drives will be found almost everywhere. SSD drives do not need to be defragmented, but use TRIM, which tells the SSD drive which blocks of data it can delete because it is no longer being used. TRIM can extend the lifespan and performance of SSDs. The lifespan of SSD drives is still uncertain, but we have been using the same drives for several years. Here it is how to tell what kind of hard drive you have.

How to find out if your hard drive is HDD or SSD in Windows 10

Find the drive type (HDD or SSD) using Task Manager

Find out if you have HDD or SSD in PowerShell

Final note

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