How to Find Out Android App Package Name on Android – Guide

Typically, we always find an application’s identity by name. For popular apps, that’s fine. We will not be confused by alternatives. If you install the app from the Google Play Store, the process is simple. But if you want to sideload the app, you can get apps with different names. Sometimes the same app name can confuse you. In such situations, we can identify applications by package name. Although there are many apps with the same name, the packages of these apps differ from one to another. Here we explain how to identify and find android package name for different apps. We always start with the built-in features of third-party applications. Depending on your need, you can use the method. If you are not an Android developer or Android power user, this may not matter. how to identify the “package name” of Android apps. However, for some of us who need to know, there are several ways to find out. Of course, each app has a unique ID. You may have already seen that several Android apps have the same name, so it’s hard to figure out which one it is. If you know how to recognize application IDs, it is very easy to distinguish applications in such scenarios. These methods do not require root access and anyone can try them out.

How to find out android app package name on android

From the Play Store

on android mobile device

Use an app on your phone

Final note

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