How to Find Public/Local IP Address on Mac or Windows PC – Guide

Well, we’ve already shared a lot of guides in IP addresses. Not only that, we even share some articles about how to change the default IP address. In general, we don’t care about IP addresses because when we type in a web address, say, DNS checks the IP address the domains were associated with. However, there are times when we need to access our PC’s IP address. There could be several reasons why you want to find your IP address in Windows. Maybe you need to troubleshoot network issues or want to share IP addresses for screen sharing and more. Whatever the reason, you can find out your local and public IP address in a few simple steps. In that guide, we will introduce some of the best methods to find your IP address on Windows 10 and Mac. But before sharing the method, you should know the difference between public and local IP address. In general, there are two different types of IP addresses for any device connected to the Internet. One is the public IP which the ISP assigns and the other is the local IP which is used as an identifier to identify each device on the network.

For WiFi connection

For Ethernet connection

Using the command prompt

Using the Network and Sharing Center

Using system information

Final note

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