How to Find Recently Viewed Ads on Facebook/Instagram – Guide

We all know that ads can be very annoying, but sometimes they can also be effective discovery tools. It has probably happened to you that you are browsing your Facebook or Instagram feed and discover an ad for an apparently interesting product, which you finish up clicking. Such is the power of targeted advertising. Privacy issues aside, users can benefit from this practice by gaining easier access to products and services they are likely to be interested in. After viewing an ad, Facebook and Instagram save your activity so you can view it again later. This is useful if you saw an ad a while ago and now you want to find the product again, but you can’t remember the name or company that made it. In this article, we will show you how to Easily view your recent advertising activity on both social apps. You can view your ad activity only through Instagram for mobile as this option is not available in the desktop version of the app.

Find Recently Viewed Ads on Facebook for iPhone or Android

If you don’t see ‘Recent Ad Activity’, try this method to take a look. This method also works if you are using Facebook in a browser.

Find Recently Viewed Ads on Instagram for iPhone or Android

Final note

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