How to find the details of Motherboard on Windows 11/10 PC – Guide

A motherboard is one of the crucial components of your desktop or laptop and it’s the heart from the computer. Many components are contained on the motherboard, including RAM, CPU, graphics card, hard drive, and more. If you want to replace your motherboard hardware, first make sure the new hardware is compatible with your motherboard. To do this, you need to know which motherboard you have. In short, figuring out the motherboard model is very important to update hardware devices and know compatibility. A motherboard is a foundation from which all components emanate. It is very important to check the motherboard model. When you buy a component for your PC and you need to verify that it is compatible. The only way to be sure is to compare it to your motherboard model. For example, if you plan to buy a PCIe card but want to make sure your motherboard has it, you need the exact model and manual. The motherboard is one of the most important parts of your computer, but it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. In fact, most users don’t even know the make and model of their computer’s motherboard, despite knowing at least the basic details about the processor, RAM memory, etc.

How to find motherboard details in Windows 11/10 PC

Using the command prompt

This is the easiest method to check motherboard details on Windows 11/10 PC if your PC is working. Using Command Prompt, you can quickly check the motherboard details of your computer or laptop, which means there is no need to use third party software.

Using system information

Using CPU-Z

CPU-Z is a free and popular application to find various details of your PC. You can use this tool to check your computer’s motherboard details or laptop. To see the motherboard details, download and install CPU-Z from its official website. Once installed, double-click its icon on the desktop to launch this software. Now, navigate to the Mainboard tab to see the required details.

Using HWiNFO

HWiNFO is another freeware tool that you can use to find various details about your PC, including the motherboard. It’s also available in a portable version, which means there’s no need to install it on your computer or laptop. Just download it from its official website to see the required details.

Using Windows PowerShell

Final note

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