How to Find your Old Messages on iPhone – Guide

Finding old messages on iPhone can be a time-consuming and tedious process, especially for long conversations. Fortunately, there are some useful ones. tips that can help you speed up up the task and helps you view old messages on an iPhone. We will guide you through the steps of how to find old messages on your iPhone without scrolling.

get to the top of any conversation

Open the Messaging app on your iPhone home screen. Then, in all of your conversations, tap the conversation of the person whose old messages you want to read. Once the private conversation opens, touch the top of the screen, that is, the status bar that displays the current time, battery level, your carrier information, etc. Touching anywhere on the bar would work perfectly, but the easiest way would be to touch the middle, where the clock is. If you have an iPhone X or higher, those with a “notch” on the screen, you can tap the notch instead, or a tap on either side of the notch would work as well. As soon as you tap at the top, the conversation will scroll to the top to the point where it loads. You will also notice a progress indicator. Just wait for it to disappear and once it does, tap the top again to scroll up further. Repeat this process until you get where you want. iPhone had it trick since we can’t even remember, but it can sometimes be forgotten due to its surprising simplicity. And want to know a secret? This trick works not just in Messaging but in all iphone apps. No need to thank us!

Find old messages using the search option

Previous one trick can be a little time-consuming, especially if the message you want to find is an old one. There is another way to find this old message. Access the Messaging app. On the screen with all conversation topics, there will be a search bar on the top. Touch it. Enter search string / keywords of the message you want to find in the search box. You don’t need to type the entire message if you don’t remember it, as the results list will start to display all messages containing the words you type. Results will be displayed from newest to oldest, top to bottom. Scroll through the search results and you’ll find the message you were looking for. But a word to the wise. This trick it only works if you at least remember some part/word of the message you are looking for, even if not the entire message. If you can’t remember anything about the message you’re trying to find, scrolling to the beginning of the conversation would be your safest bet. From the news

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Find your Old Messages on iPhone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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