However, you really sense the absence when your iPhone or Android is unable to place or receive calls. This is particularly true if you anticipate receiving a crucial call from someone or if you need to use your phone for work. Over time, smartphone connectivity has gotten better and better. Today, people may use their cellphones to send emails, video calls, instant chats, and other types of communication. Despite all of these, the ability to make phone conversations continues to be a crucial component of connecting with others. However, one issue customers frequently run across is the phone occasionally failing to place or receive calls. We have mentioned steps below to Android Phone Not Receiving Calls

4 Ways to Fix an Android Phone Not Receiving Calls

Check SIM card

Your Android device may not be able to make or receive calls if the SIM card(s) are not inserted properly. You can physically remove your SIM card(s) and check if they are properly inserted into the SIM tray/port as prescribed by the manufacturer. You can remove the SIM card, reinsert it and check if you can now make calls.

Verify that you’re in network

Although relatively rare, there are still dead spots. This can be the case if you are underground (in a basement or in mass transit) or in a rural area. Reception problems can also occur if you are near the border of another country and your phone thinks you are roaming.

System Glitch

Sometimes a temporary software glitch can cause this error, especially if you haven’t turned off your phone for days. Just restart your phone and check if you can make calls normally after that.


Often we install third-party applications and are not aware of the problems they bring. Many third-party apps contain malware and can pose a potential threat to your phone. If your problems with calls occurred after installing a particular app, uninstall it and check if things are back to normal.

Final Words

We hope like our article on how to Fix an Android Phone Not Receiving Calls. If you can make outgoing calls but not receive incoming calls, this is a sign that your hardware, network and phone line are active and working properly. The problem is most likely in the software or phone configuration.

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