Every six months, Canonical, responsible for managing Ubuntu, releases a new version. Due to its simplicity of use, the Ubuntu Desktop Linux distribution by Canonicals is one of the most used. It’s also a popular option for those just starting out with Linux. Most internet servers also run server editing, which we won’t focus on here. We have mentioned the steps below to fix apt-key deprecated warning in Ubuntu

Ways to fix apt-key deprecated warning in Ubuntu

Method 1: Next command will download a remote GPG key, encrypt it and save it in the /usr/share/keyrings directory. Method 2: We can also use the install command which is used by operating system to install files to the file system. “jcameron-key.asc cat | gpg –darling | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jcameron-key.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1” Method 3: Instead of using several commandsyou can merge them and use a single line command like:

Final Words

We hope you enjoy our article on How to fix apt-key deprecated warning in Ubuntu. The apt-key command has been deprecated and will likely not work in the future, although the warning mentioned above does not prevent you from upgrading. For any other repositories set up on your system without a signed option, apt-key can force the system to accept signatures from third-party key holders, which is one of the reasons it has been deprecated.

How to fix apt key deprecated warning in Ubuntu - 28How to fix apt key deprecated warning in Ubuntu - 35How to fix apt key deprecated warning in Ubuntu - 44How to fix apt key deprecated warning in Ubuntu - 91