How to Fix ‘Can’t Install App’ Error On Play Store – Guide

Some Android users have encountered Google Play Store error 971 when installing PUBG and some other known apps. The actual error message is as follows: “PUBG cannot be installed. Please try again, and if the problem persists, get troubleshooting help. The question is at what point this error appears, the information or files downloaded make no difference as you will have to re-download the application that you are supposed to install and assuming you don’t solve this problem before doing so each time. case is greeted with a similar message. In this article, I will guide you through troubleshooting your phone which is showing this error message every time you download an app. For my part, I have experienced this problem before and I know a few strategies that will definitely solve this problem. Assuming you are one of the users who are experiencing this issue, then continue reading as this article may give you the option to help you out.

How to Fix ‘Cannot Install App’ Error on Play Store

Restart your device

One of the simplest and most effective methods to fix software issues is device reset. Perhaps your problems are caused by a simple glitch. A reboot will cause the phone to drop all the code it was processing and start over. New processes will be loaded into memory and you will be able to download the application without errors.

Clear Google Play Store cache

If your Android device doesn’t download or install apps even after all these steps, it might be worth clearing the Store cache. The cache is a temporary storage where the Google Play Store stores all the data it uses and/or needs to function. It can get corrupted, so it’s worth checking.

Change your Google Play Store permissions

Permissions are usually set automatically, so there’s not always a reason to adjust them. However, if you’ve made it this far and still can’t download or install an app, it’s worth a try.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Fix ‘Can’t Install App’ Error On Play Store. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.