How to Fix ‘Chrome OS is Missing or Damaged’ Issue – Guide

Google’s Chrome OS is an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface. Of course, even the best operating systems occasionally have bugs or problems that affect up. If you have recently encountered the Chrome OS missing or corrupted message on your Chromebook, then you might be worried. This error is relatively easy to fix, but it’s also a good idea to understand why you’re getting this message on your Chromebook. Chrome OS is missing or corrupted message appears when the device is having trouble loading the operating system. This usually occurs at startup, but the message may also appear randomly while you are using your computer. The error screen looks a little different depending on the device model, but the possible solutions are the same for all Chromebooks. This message also appears if you choose to enable developer mode on your Chromebook or Chromebox. Remember, if you’re trying to enable developer mode, it’s perfectly normal and actually part of the necessary process. However, if you accidentally encounter this message, there are a few steps you can take to fix it.

Fix Chrome OS Missing or Damaged Error

Final note

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