How to Fix ‘ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE’ Issue on Chrome – Guide

Whenever a person browses the Internet, there is a possibility that instead of getting the desired result, he will get an error. One of these errors is err_address_unreachable. if it’s chrome Mobile or Chrome Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, there is a chance that you will get an error called err address unreachable along with a message that the website cannot be reached. The err_address_unreachable error code is a type of error that a browser displays when it is unable to connect to the server to get the information it needs. When Chrome is unable to connect to the server, this error is displayed on the device screen. Address unreachable error is a very common and general error for everyone. In most cases, this type of error is resolved after system restart. But the reason for this error is varied. So, there are many ways to fix this problem. We describe all possible solutions.

How to Fix ‘ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE’ issue in Chrome

Restart your router and device

Clean navigation data

Clear Chrome’s DNS Cache

DNS is a means of telling the computer the IP address associated with a domain. If you delete this information, the websites you have already visited will be reset and you will be restarted.

Final note

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