MSRPC STATE VIOLATION usually occurs due to defective and outdated drivers. In addition, missing system resources and DLL files due to collisions of different programs, malware or virus attacks, incorrect memory allocation and miserable Windows image files are also responsible. In addition, insufficient areas in the RAM, too little space on the hard drive or the use of an additional drive can also be the culprits.  We have mentioned steps below to Fix MSRPC STATE VIOLATION BSOD Error On Windows


Run Debugger for Minidump

Update Drivers and Windows OS

Perform Clean Boot

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to Fix MSRPC STATE VIOLATION BSOD Error On Windows. Driver msrpc.sys is one of the files of the Kernel Remote Procedure Call Provider type considered a Win64 DLL (Driver) file. They are associated with the SYS file extension for the Windows operating system. Therefore, it should not be deleted or prevented from being loaded every time Windows starts – otherwise you may render your PC inoperable.

How to Fix MSRPC STATE VIOLATION BSOD Error On Windows - 19How to Fix MSRPC STATE VIOLATION BSOD Error On Windows - 12How to Fix MSRPC STATE VIOLATION BSOD Error On Windows - 81How to Fix MSRPC STATE VIOLATION BSOD Error On Windows - 12