How to Fix ‘No Network or Service’ Error on iPhone – Guide

If your iPhone shows “No Service”, you won’t be able to make or receive calls, send text messages, or connect to the Internet unless you’re using Wi-Fi. It’s easy to forget how important the iPhone has become in our lives until it stops working. In this article, I will explain why your iPhone is not reporting service and show you exactly how to fix the problem. Your iPhone may not be reporting service due to a software issue, a hardware issue, or an issue with your cellular plan. Unfortunately, there is no general solution to this problem. That’s why I’m going to walk you step-by-step through the troubleshooting steps I find most effective while working at Apple. If you are at the top of a mountain, you may want to return to the company before proceeding. Otherwise, we’ll make sure your iPhone stops saying “No Service”.

How to fix no network or service errors on iPhone

Final note

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