Before we start fixing this issue, let’s briefly describe packet loss for those who don’t already know. Communication on the Internet or other networks is done by sending and receiving data packets. When these packets do not reach their destination, it is called packet loss. All applications can be affected by packet loss, but the most common victims are those that process packets in real time, such as chat platforms, video, audio and game programs, and of course, streaming applications. Let’s take a look how to minimize the effects of packet loss on Discord. We mention ways below to fix packet loss in Discord for Windows🇧🇷

6 Ways to Fix Packet Loss in Discord for Windows

Restart your devices

Resetting your gadgets is as easy as it looks and works. When it comes to computer crashes or malfunctions, this almost always works. You must restart your computer and router if they have been operating for a while.

Use a wired connection

When using a wireless network, packets are more likely to be lost during transmission. So if an Ethernet connection is available, you might want to switch to that because wired connections are often more reliable than wireless ones. If you’re already connected via a wired connection, try switching to another network to see if that makes a difference. You can verify that Discord works correctly on them without packet loss, for example by connecting to their Wi-Fi or using their phone as an access point. If so, there may be a problem with your network.

Configure discord settings

Use a VPN

When your network is limited by your ISP, a VPN, also known as a virtual private network, can help you lower your ping and thus solve packet loss problems. Your data is encrypted and redirected over a secure channel through a trusted VPN. By doing this, you can prevent your ISP from identifying the type of traffic you are transmitting or receiving and preventing them from interfering with your network. In that case, the packet loss problem should be resolved.

Try the web version

Reinstall Discord

Final Words

We hope you enjoy our article on how to Fix Packet Loss in Discord for Windows. One of the most welcoming communities is found on Discord, a site designed specifically for gamers to discuss common hobbies like gaming, anime, or personal chat. It has become one of the most used apps with millions of people downloading and using it, and streamers choose it as their first choice to build their community and have fun.

How to Fix Packet Loss on Discord for Windows - 17How to Fix Packet Loss on Discord for Windows - 97How to Fix Packet Loss on Discord for Windows - 71How to Fix Packet Loss on Discord for Windows - 19