WhatsApp is probably the most popular messaging app that we are all using right now. WhatsApp photos not showing can be a serious problem for someone. However, the solution is so simple. We use it to send text messages, documents, stickers, videos, photos and other fun stuff. However, we sometimes see that WhatsApp media including photos, videos, etc. up in our phonegallery of. It doesn’t matter where you access WhatsApp from. Maybe it’s because of your Android phone or iOS smartphone. The problem occurs on both devices. Wrong app settings, Wi-Fi disconnected or mobile Access and corrupted SD card are common causes of WhatsApp photos and videos not loading properly. Furthermore, missing WhatsApp file formats can also be caused by searching in the wrong location or folder. Check the latest version of WhatsApp on Play Store or App Store and if there is an update available, please update to the latest version. If nothing works, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app from the App Store. be sure to come back up your chats before uninstalling the WhatsApp app.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Fix ‘WhatsApp Images Not Showing’ Issue in Gallery. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.