How to fix ‘Windows 10 Fails to Start’ Issue – Guide

Like every day, you sit in the chair and press the button button to start your PC. However, to your disappointment, you soon find that your Windows 10 won’t boot up like you did the last time you sat down. This article describes what to do when Windows 10 won’t start and you can boot into the recovery environment. A recovery environment is like a small operating system that lets you troubleshoot when Windows 10 won’t boot. There are several troubleshooting steps users can try, outlined below. Although Microsoft is constantly improving its Windows operating system, problems like this still occur from time to time. but don’t give up yet – we have a solution for you. Below we will see all possible methods to restart the computer when Windows won’t boot up. Let’s start with that now.

How to fix ‘Windows 10 fails to start’ issue

Try Windows Safe Mode

Switch to Safe Mode via Windows Restore.

Some unbootable computers stop at Windows startup screen. However, you can force the computer into Safe Mode by interrupting the boot process three times in a row, which will automatically trigger Windows Restore. When the Windows Recovery menu appears, do the following: In the Select an Option Recovery window, select Troubleshooting, Advanced Options, and Startup Settings. In the startup settings, you can restart your computer in safe mode, with Internet on or off. Either option should work.

Safe Mode with a Windows 10 Recovery Drive.

If you are unable to switch to safe mode, you will need to create a Windows 10 USB recovery drive. The recovery drive contains the Windows 10 Recovery Environment, which you used to access by tapping F8 at boot time. Unfortunately, Microsoft has decided to eliminate this feature. Creating a recovery drive requires another Windows 10 computer and a USB drive with at least 512MB of space. If you want to create a system backup (you will see an option to backup up system files to the recovery drive), you will need 16 GB of space. Launch Control Panel > Create a recovery drive. Then follow the guided instructions. After creating the recovery drive, you can only boot your computer from it if you have enabled USB drives as bootable from the POST environment, also known as UEFI or BIOS. After enabling USB drives as bootable, insert the drive into your computer and reboot (this may require a reboot button or keeping power button down for a few seconds).

check your battery

If you are using a laptop, battery problems can cause boot problems. It’s worth trying a different charging cable to see if that fixes the problem. Check if the cable works by testing it in another laptop. Then remove the battery from your system and connect the device to a power source. By removing the battery, you can find out if a hardware issue is causing the problem. The important thing here is that you test only one item at a time. If power issues are affecting the device’s ability to boot, be sure to determine if the battery, charging cable, or other component needs replacing.

Disconnect all USB devices

A serious issue with Windows 10 updates is that sometimes your computer won’t boot due to a conflict with a USB device. You can resolve this issue by disconnecting all USB devices (and other unnecessary peripherals) and restarting your computer. If your computer remains on the same loading screen, unplugging all USB devices may resolve the issue. In other cases, you may need to restart your computer.

Disable fast startup

In your BIOS or UEFI, there is a setting called Fast Boot that allows Windows 10 to boot faster by preloading drivers. Unfortunately, Windows Update can break Fast Boot compatibility. Fortunately, you can enable and disable Fast Boot through the BIOS instead of Windows 10, and the method for accessing the BIOS/UEFI screen varies from computer to computer. In most cases, tapping the Del key during boot should trigger the POST environment. The other two keys that might work are F2 and Escape. After entering BIOS or UEFI, the Fast Boot option is usually in the advanced options, but it can also be found anywhere. If you don’t see a Fast Boot entry, your computer was manufactured before 2013 because it didn’t include a Fast Boot option.

Check your other BIOS/UEFI settings.

An incorrectly configured BIOS/UEFI can prevent your desktop computer from booting. BIOS/UEFI is a preboot environment that contains your computer’s hardware settings. They are useful for recovery because they work even when Windows is not working. To access these settings, the computer must be booted into BIOS mode. Once in BIOS mode, check the following settings:

Safety mode

An incorrectly configured Secure Boot can cause your computer not to boot. You can disable Secure Boot in the BIOS, but to do so, you may need to reset Windows 10 to factory defaults and/or reset the BIOS. Also, disabling Secure Boot may prevent you from upgrading to Windows 11. The reason Secure Boot causes problems is that it is designed to protect computers from malware. Since the drivers and hardware components that Windows loads at startup are verified, any driver or hardware component that the system does not recognize will cause a startup error. Secure Boot settings are located under Boot Options. You can enable or disable them. It must be configured for Windows UEFI mode and not another OS (usually Linux).

Compatibility Support Module (CSM).

A boot drive formatted with a system BIOS requires an MBR partition table. A UEFI-formatted drive requires a GPT partition table. CSM allows the UEFI system to function like the older MBR system.

Booting into the command prompt

It may still be possible to boot to the command prompt. You can use this interface to perform other troubleshooting procedures. You will need Windows 10 on a bootable disk or USB drive to perform this procedure, so use another computer to set it up up before you start. Start the computer to open the command prompt. During the boot process, look for a key combination that you can use to enter the BIOS. This information is usually displayed next to the manufacturer’s logo. Switch to the Boot tab and make the USB drive or DVD the first bootable device. Your choice will depend on where your copy of Windows 10 is located. Again, the details of this process may vary from system to system, so follow the onscreen instructions. Then insert the disk or drive that contains Windows 10 into your system, save your configuration and restart your PC. When prompted, use the keyboard to indicate that you want to boot from disk or drive. Enter your desired language, currency and input settings and select Repair Computer on the next screen. Then select Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > Command Prompt and a window for entering commands should appear.

Use System Restore or Startup Repair

If you’re already booting Windows 10 from a disk or drive, it’s worth using a few utilities that are available as part of the process. After booting from the drive as described above, you will have access to options that can help you recover your PC up and running. Look for the System Restore and Startup Repair links on the Advanced Options screen. System Restore is a utility that allows you to return to a previous restore point when your computer was working normally. It can fix boot problems caused by a change made instead of a hardware failure. Startup Repair is a general troubleshooting program for problems that prevent Windows from starting. If you have trouble finding the cause of your startup problems, run the utility so it can find a solution.

Final note

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