How to Fix ‘Windows 11 Won’t Let You Move the Taskbar’ Issue – Guide

Since the release of the first preview version of Windows 11, the operating system has been tested. Testers are eager to try out new features and provide feedback to improve the operating system. A common request shared online is the ability to move the Windows 11 taskbar to other locations on the screen. Microsoft allows users to easily change the taskbar position in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and even older operating systems. Users can open the taskbar settings window and select the taskbar position on the screen according to their needs: Bottom, Top, Left and Right. However, in Windows 11, the latest Windows operating system, the options to change the taskbar position are no longer available. It looks like Windows 11 can’t move the taskbar; the taskbar is stuck at the bottom of the screen. Fortunately, there are some workarounds to move the taskbar in Windows 11. This article mainly shows how to move the taskbar in windows 11.

How to Fix ‘Windows 11 won’t let you move the taskbar’ issue

restart your computer

Don’t forget to restart your computer to apply the changes after adjusting the taskbar settings or optimizing the registry. If you want to align the taskbar to the left, the change should usually take effect immediately. However, if it doesn’t, restart your computer and check the result.

Run SFC and DISM

Revert to Windows 10

Final note

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