flashing the phone it is a method of changing the way you feel. Upgrading your gadget is actually a very simple process, despite its intimidating and technically complex sounding nature. What exactly does “flashing” your smartphone mean? Simply put, you will flash your device with a custom ROM. You’ll basically be switching from your current version of Android to one that’s been updated, either by the community or your device’s manufacturer. we mentioned below are the steps for flashing Mobile phone using laptop🇧🇷

steps to flash Mobile phone using laptop

android flash phone using laptop

When all the necessary firmware programs are downloaded, you can start the second stage of the update process.

flash an iPhone using laptop

This procedure is quite comparable to the Android procedure. As in the case above, it involves updating the firmware. Basically, all you need to do is load the latest version of the device’s system. There are many new operating systems features that improve the performance and compatibility of the iPhone. In addition, you will need to connect your device to a computer and launch the iTunes device management program.

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to snapshot Mobile phone using laptop🇧🇷 Before starting the process, take care to backup all your crucial data. You can use apps from the Play Store to reset your phone to factory settings if necessary. This will allow you to recover your phone data after a flash. However, you must return up your data to the computer before flashing your phone🇧🇷 Fortunately, it’s considerably simpler than it used to be! You also won’t have to worry about losing any of your information while you’re doing this!

How to flash Mobile phone using laptop - 25How to flash Mobile phone using laptop - 13How to flash Mobile phone using laptop - 22How to flash Mobile phone using laptop - 21