How to Fork a Repository on GitHub – Guide

A Git fork is simply a copy of an existing repository where the new owner separates the codebase from previous committers. A fork usually occurs when a developer is dissatisfied or disillusioned with the direction of a project and wants to separate their work from the original project. When a Git fork occurs, previous contributors cannot push code to the new repository without the owner granting access to the forked repository, either by providing developers with the publicly available Git URL or by providing explicit access through user permissions in tools granted as GitHub or GitLab. Open source programming is about being able to make your own changes to code that others have written. This requires you to fork the main repository, which is commonly called “forking” the repository, but it can be tricky if you don’t do it right. While this is specific to Github as it is by far the biggest place for open source collaboration, the same principles apply to Git repositories pulled from any source. Github simply has additional tools that make some tasks easier, but if you prefer Git commands, we’ll show you too. If you have a git repository on your PC, you can fork it by simply copying the git repository to a new folder and removing any remote references in the git config file. This creates an isolated, independent Git fork that is no longer in sync with the original codebase.

How to Fork a repository on GitHub

Forking a repository is a matter of clicking on a button. To follow along, navigate to a public repository that you want to fork. In the upper right corner of the page you will find the Fork button. click on the button and wait a few seconds. You will see that the newly forced repository is created in your GitHub account. Follow the steps we learned above after forking the repository to start contributing.

Let’s practice bifurcation

As a newbie, do you want to practice bifurcation to be more confident? Lets do this. You can perform these tasks to practice bifurcation.

Final note

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