Genshin Impact takes place in the fictional world of Teyvat, which is home to seven unique nations, each of which is tied to a different element and ruled by a different god. The protagonist of the story is The Traveler, who has travelled across many planets with their twin sibling before becoming separated in Teyvat. The Traveler, joined by Paimon, goes in search of the missing sibling and becomes entangled in Teyvat’s nations’ issues. We have mentioned steps below to Get Aloy in Genshin Impact

Steps  to Get Aloy in Genshin Impact

Although Aloy does not exist when you initially start Genshin Impact, she is relatively easy to add to your party. With Genshin Impact 2.2 now available, PC players without PlayStation access merely need to check their in-game mail to obtain Aloy. MiHoYo is including Aloy in the Genshin 2.1 update for all PlayStation users for free. Cross-save allows PC and mobile gamers to play as Aloy, but those without access to Genshin Impact on PS4 and PS5 will have to wait until Genshin 2.2.

Final Words

We hope like our article on How to Get Aloy in Genshin Impact. All Genshin Impact gamers can now take on the role of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. She was originally only available to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 users, but with patch 2.2, she is now also available to mobile and PC gamers. Our Genshin Impact guide covers how to obtain Aloy and when PC and mobile users will be able to do so.

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