Guide: How to Get Back Closed Tabs on Chrome Browser

The advent of tabbed browsing a few years ago made research on the Internet easier, yet cumbersome. Easier as you can open multiple browser tabs in the same window. Cumbersome as they take up memory (especially in Chrome) and if you accidentally lose them (not uncommon) frustration awaits you. If you are in a similar soup, here’s how to open accidentally closed tabs or restore recently closed tabs. This may not always work. If your luck is worse, your Chrome may crash altogether for some unknown reason and take away all sessions with it. You can always dive into the browser history and try to find the recently closed tabs, but we have a better solution for you. Cool Tip You may also want to learn how to restore tabs and save tab groups in Google Chrome. Recycle Bin is a wonderful extension for Chrome that not only records the lost tabs, but also the ones you close manually. The great thing here is that if you realize you shouldn’t have closed one, you can pull it back immediately. And this is better than Chrome’s default history, because that’s a collection of all the tabs you’ve visited, and that means a huge mess to sort out when looking for that one tab you’ve closed. This extension, on the other hand, only captures the closed tabs, whether or not manually, and thus offers a simpler solution. Let’s take a closer look.

First and foremost, navigate to the Chrome Web Store page for Recycle Bin and install the extension in your browser. Once the installation process is complete, you will be prompted and you will see a round green icon in the top right corner of the browser (see the image below).

That icon represents your Recycle Bin. Don’t use the name, it’s not a trash can for your browser. To begin with, I recommend setting your preferences. Here is how to do that. Step 1: Click on the icon to bring up a menu. Then click on the Options link.

Step 2: The Options page would come up upThere you have to set three things:

To reset the settings or to reset the tab counter, just tap Reset button on the Options page. If you want to remove the extension for Chrome or if you want the icon not to appear on the toolbar, you can do so by right-clicking the icon. Below are the options in the context menu.

More benefits

A number on the icon acts as an indicator to tell you how many pages are in the trash. If you have a lot of tabs in the repository and you want to start something, the search should be feature works well.


Contrary to its name, Recycle Bin works as a great tool to save activity log related to tabs in Chrome. It works for all windows opened during a session. I like the way it works to save and save my session. And I am sure you will love it too. Try it out and let us know.

How to Get Back Closed Tabs on Chrome Browser: benefits


Final note

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