Guide: How to get back your Content Writing Passion

Many of us have experienced this. Tired and worn out from writing the same boring content and making it interesting day in and day out, we suddenly find ourselves having to drag ourselves to the computer and forcing ourselves to go through the movements wonder what we should do with our lives instead. Then it hits us. We realize that we have lost the passion and the terror. The first time it happens is like waking up up from a dream of falling off a building – only to realize that you are not dreaming. You experience a few seconds of abstract fear, followed by a deep sense of sudden loss. I once read about a writer who lost limbs in a war, compare it to how it feels the first years after that loss: ‘I would wake up up, ready to take the day to see only the wheelchair and remember that I have no legs. Losing my passion for writing is like thatOnce you realize that you are not missing it, you cannot help but feel a sense of desire. Personally, it kind of felt like I lost my dad when I was 11 years old. Not the pain of a lost loved one. Just the pain of losing something so familiar, something I was so used to. It felt like a hole in the center of my chest that couldn’t be filled. I swore that once I got it back I would never lose it. Now, if I get so tired that I want to stop, I do.

See The Signs

The one who redeems feature About losing the writer’s passion is that you can see it coming a mile away if you know what to look for. Here is how to recognize these signs. Research is more interesting to the real writer than work. We are developing a process where we can enjoy the journey from point A to point J. Every step is familiar, painless and brings us closer to our goal: writing. Each step of the investigation usually has some benefit to us. An example is my research computer, which is not the computer I write with. It has a comics page that I have to go through to get to my search engine. This page features a weather app, Word of the Day dictionary, and a new daily comic from Calvin and Hobbes Comic If I get to the point where I’m skipping the comics or just bypassing my entire process I’ll check myself as it’s a sure sign that I no longer enjoy that process‘A ?? ¦ or whatever I do. I am one of those lucky writers who partnered with an editor in our freelance writing company. This means that everything I write through our company is edited by one of the best. I also have an editor in one of my out-of-company jobs. She is also one of the best in her profession

The moment one of them asks me what’s wrong with my attitude or takes offense at something I’ve said, I know I’m in trouble. I like to be edited because I look good. If I’m going to take offense at their help, it is means I don’t want to put any work into itIt means I’m not having fun anymore. A friend of mine who was a once customer paid me the very high compliment that I called myself the Deadline Demon. I never miss a deadlineI am almost always way ahead of schedule. I’ll make sure if something happened and I couldn’t write up up to a week, I could still make it within the deadline.

When I suddenly have to write all night and barely meet my deadlines, I have trouble losing my passion and I check myself in that moment. If I forget a deadline and barely save, I recognize that for what it is: a huge sign that I am tired and I am in danger to start that road again. When I find myself spending more time in my email, Skype chat, or browsing the World Wide Web for no other reason than to avoid work, I know I’m in trouble. It is a silent process that is creeping up on you. One day you are fine and productive, two days later you are find yourself two days behind schedule and filling out a form for a silly website application you don’t want just because you’re bored. When boredom sets in, how far are you from the point of no returnThe writing passion is what keeps us writing. The ability to take a boring topic and turn it into something that people want to read should be fun. If it’s not fun anymore, it is time to recharge your batteries

How to Turn this around

At some point you have to recognize the writer’s signs of fatigue and Make a changeIf you’ve worked so many days in a row that you can’t remember when you last had time to spend with your family, friends, or other interests, it may be time to recharge Writer fatigue is the first step to losing the ability to enjoy a passion you were born with. Here are a few things you can do to change things. Take a day off, whether you can afford it or not. Usually, with bills rising or looming deadlines, you can’t take a day off at that point, but you can schedule a day off in the near future and then do whatever you need to do to make it happen.

When that day comes, don’t shy away from him and work. Force yourself spend the day away from work and (this is important) with the people who make you happy Write for yourself. If you like creative writing, do it. If you like poetry, create a new form. Enter a competition and write up your submission. Even if you don’t win the pleasure is in the creation

There are tons of website writing groups you can join that have competitions. There are also writing groups who like to read new fiction or collaborate on projects. The point is to write something for yourself that your perspective changes and is not work-related. Take stock of your decision to become a freelance writer. I can tell you from experience that our reasons for doing what we do are very compelling. In my case, it was this or work for a living and I would rather do this. Remember all the reasons why you do what you do. Write and you will find that motivational force that drove you here in the first place. Once you remember why you love your job so much, it is easier to maintain your passion even under the worst projects of clients. When I see my stepson dragging his tired ass home From his job as a roofer, I count my blessings and go back to work.

How to get back your Content Writing Passion: benefits


Final note

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