How to get started with GitHub Desktop – Guide

If you need to work with GitHub but don’t have time to learn how to using the command line, Jack Wallen believes that GitHub Desktop software is the best option. Git is arguably the most popular version control system in the world. You can contribute and collaborate on projects of any size and variety with Git. However, if you’re new to Git, you may find using the command line to be inconvenient. You may have come from a platform where everything was done by point and click. You may also not have time to understand the ins and outs of Git’s command-line tools. If that describes you, GitHub Desktop might be the perfect answer for you up and running with a seamless Git workflow in no time. GitHub Desktop is available for Linux, macOS and Windows and makes it easy to: GitHub Desktop features a simple workflow that anyone can follow, a very simple (and useful) integration wizard, syntax highlighting when viewing diffs for multiple languages, extensive editor features and shell integrations, expanded image diff support, and more. The only thing GitHub Desktop cannot do (within the app itself) is open pull requests. When you open a pull request, your default browser opens for the pull request action in your GitHub repository. So if you’re looking for a way to start your journey on GitHub, this is the tool you need. Let’s install GitHub Desktop and connect it to your GitHub account.

what will you need

I will be demonstrating the installation with Pop! _OS Linux, but the application can be installed on almost any Linux distribution based on Debian, RHEL or SUSE. It can also be easily installed on macOS or Windows. To install on Linux, you need an account with sudo privileges. You will also need a GitHub or GitHub Enterprise account.

How to install GitHub Desktop

I’m going to demonstrate installing GitHub Desktop on Pop! _OS Linux. Installing the tool on macOS and Windows is as simple as downloading and running the installer for Windows or macOS. For Linux, it requires some extra steps. Here they are for Debian and Ubuntu based distributions. First, add the required GPG key with the command: wget -qO – | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/shiftkey-desktop.asc> / dev / null Then create a new repository entry with the command: sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb [arch=amd64] any main “> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/packagecloud-shiftkey-desktop.list ‘ Update apt with: sudo apt-get update Finally, install the GitHub desktop with: sudo apt install github-desktop -y For RHEL based distributions (such as Fedora, AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux), the steps are: Install the GPG key: sudo rpm –import Add the required repository information: sudo sh -c ‘echo -e “[shiftkey] nname = GitHub Desktop nbaseurl = https: // $ basearch nenabled = 1 ngpgcheck = 0 nrepo_gpgcheck = 1 ngpgkey = https: // shiftkey / desktop / gpgkey “> /etc/yum.repos.d/shiftkey-desktop.repo ‘ Install GitHub Desktop with one of the following commands (depending on the package manager you use): sudo yum install github-desktop -y sudo dnf install github-desktop -y

How to get started with GitHub Desktop

After successful installation, launch GitHub Desktop. The first window required you to log in to GitHub or GitHub Enterprise. click on any button will redirect you to your browser. Make sure you are signed in to your GitHub account and, when prompted, authorize the desktop app for use. You will then be asked to confirm account access. After taking care of that, you will need to allow to open the x-github-desktop-dev-auth link (Linux only). To do this, just click Choose Application and then click Open Link. After taking care of that, you should go back to the GitHub Desktop app. Scroll through the wizard until you reach GitHub’s “let’s get started” window, where you’ll find a beautifully designed introductory tutorial. Click Create One tutorial repository and the application will open in the main window. Follow the blue arrow instructions that walk you through installing a text editor (which you probably won’t need as you already have one), creating a new branch, editing a file, making a commit, publishing to GitHub, and opening a pull request. After going through this integration, you will be ready to start working with GitHub, through a very well designed and user-friendly GUI. And that’s how you get to use the GitHub Desktop app. For those who need to work with GitHub but don’t want to deal with the git command line, this is the tool you need. GitHub Desktop makes working with GitHub easy enough for any user of any skill level.

Final note

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