How To Get Your COVID-19 Shot Record Online From The VA – Guide

To discover how to obtain a copy of your COVID-19 VA vaccine records through the My HealtheVet website or your mobile device. You can also use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination card – or a photo of the card – as proof of vaccination. If you received your COVID-19 vaccine from the Department of Veterans Affairs and lost your vaccine registration card, you can now access the vaccination check on your phone. While the best course of action of all when taking your COVID-19 photo is to take a photo of the front and back of your COVID-19 vaccination card and keep it handy on your mobile device, this option does not help if you have lost your card. Having a verified record of your COVID-19 vaccination is becoming more important as many employers require proof of vaccination for employees, many major sports leagues and performers require proof of vaccination to attend events, and local jurisdictions and places of business are establishing more restrictions on the unvaccinated.

Get your My HealtheVet records with a premium account

if you have an award My Health Vet account, you can download a copy of your vaccination records through My Health Vet. This option works best on a desktop or laptop.

Get your records on your mobile device with a connected app

With an online account, you can link your VA health records to a non-VA (or third-party) health app. You can then get and share your vaccination records from the app connected to your mobile device. Follow these steps to connect your records to an app: From the news

Final note

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